Saturday, 8 September 2007

Oh No, Not Again (about hacking, spamming or pishing)

Published August 26th, 2007 in Software and Events. (patrick.lanigan)

After a number of reports from a few friends with WordPress accounts and the limited amount of information I could gather from google, It seams like there’s yet another user going around registering on WordPress blogs, with the intent on either modifying or deleting them. This new user goes by the name: domi95bin4 & the email address: There have actually been a few of these bots over the last couple of months, two of which go by the user names: poset97qq & xdfsd45oi I actually posted somthing about them not long ago.

If any of these users register on your blog, I suggest that you remove them from your registered user list immediately and make sure you have the latest version of WordPress installed.

Going home……….

You can go home again…… so long as you understand that home is a place where you have never been.

Ursula le Guin, The Dispossesed