Thursday, 20 September 2007

A lot of hogwash

A baby hedgehog survived an hour long spin in a washing machine in Bognor Regis, West Sussex.

The animal, now named Persil, ended up in the machine after wandering into a house and taking a nap in the laundry basket.

Luckily the 10-week old hedgehog was cushioned by the clothes and the washer was on slow spin and half load.

Now Persil is being cared for at a wildlife hospital in nearby Sidlesham.

Manager Penny Cooper said: β€œshe is a miracle. She came out clean with shiny spikes. Usually when we get hedgehogs we have to take off the fleas.”

I was not so lucky and lost in this way the beloved cat "Bolletje" who sneaked through the open door of the already loaded washing machine and started comfortably sleeping. Unfortunately it was his last resting-place causing a lot of sadness for me. Since that day I was very cautious in checking the laundry before starting the process not wanting to lose any other of the cats.

Source: Bangkok Post – Thailand, 19-9-2007
Collected by Antoni Uni – Bangkok 20-9-2007


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