Friday, 31 August 2007

A love-story of a circus elephant and a wild elephant….

The dpa reported through the IANS news agency that a wild elephant emerged out of the jungle, broke through the fences of a circus and eloped with a female performing elephant.

The incident occurred in West Bengal sate capital Kolkata (India).

He was drawn by the calls of four female circus elephants and the randy tusker broke through a metal barricade to enter their stable, where he presented himself to 30-year-old Savitri.

It was love at first sight, she ignored the entreaties of her keeper, wrapped her trunk around her Romeo’s leg and followed him into the jungle.

Locals said that the pair frolicked near a pond in the area, and were last seen heading north.

Source: Bangkok Post – Thailand, 31-8-2007
Collected by Antoni P. Uni – Bangkok, 31-8-2007


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